In our family I am famous for dragging us all out on ill-fated excursions in the name of family fun. But when it's your birthday and you're turning 38 and you really already have everything you want, I think it's okay to make some demands. Like a day trip to Clear Lake. And some family fun.
As I have mentioned before, Brent is not overly fond of taking the kids fishing. This is not without reason, but again with the it's-MY-birthdays and here we were:
Clear Lake is, ahem, very clear. It's also very quiet. Or at least it was, until we arrived and crammed five people into a small boat and... wait, why the hell were the boys armed with slingshots? Anyway, there was this heron sunning himself nearby as we attempted to fish. This heron was like an avian Buddha, peacefully meditating on a log as the boys screeched with excitement and haphazardly threw lines into the water. No fish were foolish enough to be anywhere near us at this point, but no matter. It's all about the experience, right?
After a bit of time, I became aware that this heron absolutely did not give one single shit about us, which was awesome. I loved that bird.
Jack and Sawyer were determined to hike around the lake on a quest for lava rocks. This meant that the boys formed their own search party while the girls meandered along behind. But I always knew just where they were because man those kids' voices sure carry through a silent forest.
And then Clementine turned two. People kept asking her what she wanted for her birthday. "Cake!" she chirped again and again.
Suddenly it was Halloween and I realized that no one wanted a homemade costume. "I'm going to be a soccer zombie," Jack informed me.
"I'll be a.. um.. I guess I'll be a regular zombie," Sawyer added uncertainly.
I dug the puppy suit out of the dress up box, Brent applied zombie make
up and wound tattoos, everyone found their pumpkin buckets, and that was
There was a part of me that missed laboring over some elaborate
get up that would be worn once, smeared with chocolate, and then thrown carelessly into the dress up box void.
And then there was the heron in me who did not give a shit.