And so you change on me. No warning. No courtesy email. Nothing. And now my pictures are all in the wrong order and that just MIGHT complicate this already loosely tied narrative.
Wait, I have no narrative.
Look! Sleeping Sawyer!
I'll admit that it is kind of cool to be able to easily change the size of my photos. I am pretty sure I could do this before, but you know, since I kept clicking my photos when I thought it would perhaps be worth the effort to copy and paste them into the right order, I realized just how easy it was to make this one a bit smaller.
And then I decided that we would all just suffer through the reverse order photos. Look, a bird!
This next bit is really for my dad, who is off strolling the streets of Paris or hitting up the nightclubs in Barcelona or charming snakes in Morocco or something along those lines as we speak. My point is, he is not here to see my new bike! New bike! Holla!
I have always been one of those "I don't buy bikes, I just wait for them to find me" types, and over the years a variety of bikes have found their way into my various garages. For the past 8 or so years I have been riding my beloved 1970's Schwinn Collegiate all over the place, often pulling two kids in a bike trailer. Let me tell you, it's a workout. And not a very fun one.
So the old man took pity on me and kicked me down some birthday cash for some new wheels and so I've been sitting on this bike money for awhile now. Once the sun started to shine, Brent dragged me out to the bike shops and I test drove many, many bikes and smiled and nodded and tried to pay attention as many, many bike mechanics explained to me in minute detail the features of many, many different bikes. In case you are wondering, the kids are not very fun to go bike shopping with. I think they honked every single horn and rang every single bell that crossed their paths.
But here she is!

We are all soccer all the time around here lately. Between Brent and the boys, we are dealing with soccer 5 nights of the week. Jack's first game was last weekend and I wasn't sure if I should laugh or cry from the sidelines. 5 year old soccer is pretty entertaining to watch, but also kind of pathetic. Jack did just fine, but some of the kids are picking their noses or sitting down or wandering off the field in search of snacks.
On the first day of practice, Brent got roped into coaching. He does an awesome job and as the other coach put it, "He's the only one of us who really knows anything about soccer." As you can see from his body language, he's also the kind of coach that you want your kid to be with. Some coaches (ahem) are a bit more standoffish.
And here we are with my opening shot in which I planned to tell you how we all dragged ourselves out of bed early on a Saturday morning to march into battle at Jack's first soccer game. But thanks to Blogger's updates and my laziness, this is now the end so I'll just have to say that I hope I can remember to upload the photos correctly next time despite years of Blogger brainwashing me to do things counter intuitively. Pregnancy brain is a wee bit frazzled these days.
Da Groovy....
ReplyDeleteI have also been frustrated with the difficulty of moving photos around, but sometimes, if you're having a lucky day, you can click and drag them around on screen as you're setting up your post. I kind of like the new interface - or at least I will once I get used to it. Blah! Love the belly, btw, and in my girl-having experience, the sickness will stop around week 14. Fingers crossed for you.
ReplyDeleteBon soir chere Cassadie. Je t'aime ton nouveau velo! Il est magnifique. Je veux de le vieu quand je retourne le 16 de mai.
ReplyDeleteWell, you can see my French hasn't improved over the years but I can still rent a car and order a bottle of wine. I'm very pleased you held out for the bike rather than spend your birthday present on two weeks worth of groceries. But even more than the photos of the bike, I loved the one of Brent coaching the little boys. His body language expresses so much: encouragment, passion, joyfulness, team work. He really is a wonderful man. Good job bringing him into the family.
we are settled down in a lovely little house in the village of Laroque des Alberes a couple of miles from the Mediterranean and 5 miles from the Spanish border. We stopped briefly in Carcassonne today and reminisced about finding out about le greve and realizing we would need to drive you back to Lyons. A great vacation with you.
Love to Brent and the boys. Felix too.
Love, Doug