Before we get into this post, I have to back up a few years and tell you all about my wonderful friend Emily. Emily and I met in France, but she's not French, she's from Bend. This part is always confusing to people. Anyway, I met Emily while I was living in Lyon and she and I bonded over our mutual love of eating and running. Yeah, I know that seems kind of oxymoronic, but that's just how it was.
So Emily and I spend a lot of time traveling Europe together and eating a ton of really gourmet foods (and some crappy food as well- stupid Portugal!) and running our behinds off. Literally. Or at least trying to. Despite the fact that she and I ran a 10K and a half marathon, I still managed to gain 15 pounds during my year abroad. Mmmm- fromage.
I guess in the great scheme of things Emily and I haven't really been friends for that long, and we've only spent one year living in close proximity to each other, but that time that we shared together in France was pretty amazing. You really get to know someone when you train for a half marathon with them. I think Emily might know me better than a lot of my closest friends.
One of the things that I learned about Emily during our many, many (manymanymany) long runs together was that she comes from a really special family. Emily's family is so cool, in fact, that they have invited us not once, but twice to the beach with them. Kids and all. (These people are great!)
Oh, this post makes me long for the beach. And maybe for some of that delicious food too! Can't wait to see Lily's toes in the ocean sometime soon.